How long should I change my socks

Summary:For the socks worn every day, Do you think about how long it will take to change?Today, we will give you popular science...

For the socks worn every day, Do you think about how long it will take to change?Today, we will give you popular science

1.How dirty are the socks after a day?

There are 250,000 sweat glands on human feet, they can help us expel sweat.

After wearing the socks for a day, there is not only sweat, but also bacteria and even some metabolites.

The secretions on the feet cannot volatilize into the air, which provides a good environment for bacteria and fungi, which causes the socks to become smelly and dirty.

2.How often do I change my socks?

We recommend not to wear a pair of socks continuously for more than 3 days.

When conditions permit, it is recommended to replace it every day.

3.How long is the life of a pair of socks?

The life expectancy of socks is about 3 months.

If more than 3 months , even if they are not broken,It is also recommended not to wear it anymore, socks will breed bacteria, It's hard to wash off.

Although the service life of socks varies from person to person,But if the socks cuff become bigger and loose,Thinning of the heel and discomfort in wearing,

It means your socks should be changed even if they are not broken.